Thursday, July 27, 2006

Updated files for Dynamic method caller available...

I've updated the and files with my latest cleanup of the DynamicCall stuff. This version fully supports static methods is much simpler, uses less working set and is faster. A full post will follow on all the changes soon.


This version has an entirely new syntax that I think is clearer, plus it leads to much better generic-specialization / JIT memory usage. The new syntax looks like this:

Func<Person, bool, Person> compatible = Dynamic<Person>.Instance.Function<bool>.Explicit<Person>.CreateDelegate("Compatible");
Func<Person, Person, Person, Gender> breed = Dynamic<Person>.Instance.Function<Person>.Explicit<Person, Gender>.CreateDelegate("Breed");
Proc<Person> mutate = Dynamic<Person>.Instance.Procedure.Explicit.CreateDelegate("Mutate");
StaticFunc<Person, int, Person, Person> ageDifference = Dynamic<Person>.Static.Function<int>.Explicit<Person, Child>.CreateDelegate("AgeDifference");
Or, if you use the new C# 3.0 var syntax:
var compatible = Dynamic<Person>.Instance.Function<bool>.Explicit<Person>.CreateDelegate("Compatible");
var breed = Dynamic<Person>.Instance.Function<Person>.Explicit<Person, Gender>.CreateDelegate("Breed");
var mutate = Dynamic<Person>.Instance.Procedure.Explicit.CreateDelegate("Mutate");
var ageDifference = Dynamic<Person>.Static.Function<int>.Explicit<Person, Child>.CreateDelegate("AgeDifference");
I'm sorry for any trouble this might cause, but I think it is worth it. If you have any comments, I'm listening...

UPDATE (27-July-2007 15:32): I changed the Build to skip access-checks when creating the DynamicMethod. This allows you to bind against private methods of classes even when the bound-to class is not on the inheritance path. Also fixed a bug with instance methods that are functions requiring no parameters not always binding correctly. If you downloaded before 15:30 CDT, please download again.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I've been employing the library to build an ORMapper that gets its direction from attributes (before you say that I'm an idiot because there are a million out there, it's for a non-relational database, and it doesn't use a query language, so that's why I'm building yet another ORMapper -- probably better termed an O-Associative mapper)

I'm using this to build strongly typed arguments for returning properties, and also to generate delegates that insert the bits of data one typed piece at a time. What I was wondering, is if there is a way to use this to parametrically define a type on the fly using IL generation. For example, each of my 'write it to the base' delegates takes a different type of value, and the base allows only a certain number of types. So the way I've currently been doing it is by implementing

interface IDelegateFactory
Delegate String();
Delegate Integer();
Delegate Boolean();
Delegate Float();
Delegate ...

I'm returning a Delegate for each like Dynamic<PutMethods>.Static.Explicit<IIdentifiable, string, [thischanges]>.CreateDelegate("Add");

which of course produces delegates that only differ by one parameter type value.

How, and I feel there most likely is a way here somewhere, can I avoid having to do that with generics?

I realize that I can put in a generic there and specify the <T> in there, but then I'm still left doing a bunch of IF blocks somewhere else to figure out what goes in there... Am I missing something? Even if I have to generate some IL I'm up to the task, but do you have a way already with your library that I'm just seeing too flatly to identify?

IDisposable said...

You can do partial generics and lazily instantiate based on the attributes or reflected types. I'm working on a post right now.

IDisposable said...

I've written this quick post, hope this is what you are looking for: Late delegate creation

Anonymous said...

Hi Marc,

I downloaded your version of the DynamicComparer yesterday after being tipped by Johannes Hansen.
After checking it out, I saw that the comparer wasn't able to sort objects on properties of associations.

Tonight I made some modifications to the code to support this.

Now, I can call the DynamicComparer like this:
DynamicComparer<Person> comparer = new DynamicComparer<Person> ("Address.City, Address.Street");

If you're interested I can send you the code.

Nils Gruson

IDisposable said...

I would love to integrate your changes into the code... I'm hosting the code out at CodePlex now and there's already an outstanding request for this there.